WPCNJ Mission

The Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey is dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process, increasing the number of women in elected and appointed office, protecting reproductive freedom, and creating a women’s political power base to achieve equality for ALL women.

Recruits and trains women candidates and their campaign organizations

Endorses women candidates who support reproductive freedom, the Equal Rights Amendment and other issues that affect the lives of women and families

Contributes to WPCNJ-endorsed women candidates through its Political Action Committee

Advocates on issues that support women and families

Sponsors candidate forums and education and training workshops

Sponsors WPCNJ's Democratic and Republican Task Forces

Sponsors county and college chapters of the WPCNJ

Hosts the Passion * Power * Progress Awards reception which recognizes individuals and organizations whose leadership, civic involvement and professional efforts have helped make New Jersey a better place for women.

Encourages active participation by caucus members as volunteers, consultants, and campaign staff for WPCNJ endorsed candidates